Reverse Circulation (RC) Drilling Equipment

The Reverse Circulation drilling (RC drilling) method involves air being forced down between the inner and outer pipes of a dual wall drill pipe with the cuttings being forced up through the centre of the drill rods. This is the opposite of conventional DTH hammer drilling which instead sends the air flush through the centre of the drill string, with the cuttings being forced up the hole outside the hammer and drill rods.
Primarily developed for mineral exploration where virtually all the drill cuttings can be collected for identification and analysis, reverse circulation drilling has become widely used for large diameter water well drilling and civil engineering applications.
The selection of down-the-hole hammers is dependent upon the rig and compressor capability as well as the diameter and depth to be drilled. It is usual for a rig to have a variety of hammer sizes as the bits are usually supplied exactly the same size as the hammer being used.
Reverse circulation equipment available from Dando includes:
- Reverse Circulation Hammers
- Reverse Circulation Bits
- Cyclones and Splitters
- Reverse Circulation Drill Rods
- Reverse Circulation Subs
- Reverse Circulation Air Swivels
To see our range of RC drilling rigs please visit: Mineral Exploration Drilling Rigs
Please contact Dando with your particular requirements, or for advice.